The benefits of softeners
Smooth silky feel, No spotting on your dishes or shower doors, Soft feeling laundry, Reduce buildup in your water heater & pipes, Reduces Chlorine taste and Odor
Extended Appliance Life
Reduce appliance exposure the harsh hard water for extended life.
What Is Hard Water?
Hard water is a common quality of water which contains dissolved compounds of calcium and magnesium. The term hardness was originally applied to waters that were hard to wash in, requiring extra soap as it prevents soap from lathering. Dissolved calcium and magnesium salts are primarily responsible for most scaling in pipes and water heaters, causing numerous problems for laundry rooms, kitchens and baths.

How To Spot Hard Water
Stiff, dingy laundry
Mineral deposits on dishes and glassware
High soap usage and need for fabric softeners
Extra work to remove soap curd on bathtubs and shower stalls
High energy costs, possibly due to scale build-up in pipes and on appliances
Scale build up in sinks, tubs, faucets and appliances
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